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images of madison indiana historic buildings
    Images: Images of Madison Indiana

When it comes to historic architecture, Madison Indiana has no equal in the State of Indiana. A 1973 nomination form for the National Register of Historic Places lists nearly 1700 contributing buildings and structures.

The same application quotes American Institute of Architects Fellow Rexford Newcomb: Nowhere else in the country is it possible to find so many examples of fine early 19th century architecture in their original state and in such nearly untouched condition.

The photos on this site represent a tiny fraction of what Madison has to offer. I hope to add more images in the coming years. In the meantime, I urge you to visit this amazing town and walk around.

More than a few Indiana towns still have a nice selection of historic buildings along Main Street, but in Madison the riches extend for many blocks on at least a half dozen streets.

I've grouped the Madison, Indiana images on CyberIndiana by street. Don't be fooled by the small number of images. Each of these streets has far more buildings than are depicted on this site.

Broadway [2 images]
Central Street [2 images]
Jefferson Street [2 images]
Main Street [40 images]
Mulberry Street [11 images]
Second Street [4 images]
Third Street [15 images]
West Street [4 images]

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Copyright Michael Habeck